There are as many as 7, 500 varieties and are divided into categories depending on shape and size.
And the heaviest tomato known was 7 lbs 12 oz. WOW.
But we struggled this year.
Not enough heat? Watering issues?
We spent a lot of time wondering and worrying about our tomatoes.....BUT the below images are a sight to behold.
Tomato sauce! Created from the Aileen Street tomatoes!
We were proud.
And our bellies happy.
Freshly plucked orbs: Please note: Shot taken up close. Behind these orbs marched a bounty in the thousands......
Nothing better than making your own saucy sauce:
Purely tomato, olive oil, garlic, and thyme
And here you have it: fresh garlic and parsley pasta with fresh tomato sauce and some sauteed chard.
Come on over anytime.
noice!!! honey for dessert?