We have also been reading a lot of poetry - trying to listen close to the words of local poet, Rusty Morrison. Read on and you will see the magic of her imagery.
please advise stop
I saw the window spread its wings a white heron stop
each feather a corridor into the many-storied structure drawing itself skyward stop
the further its remove the more distinct the opening of each pinion stop
just as the past sees more exactingly than this instant in its temporal imprisonment stop
just as looking up through an oak's openwork dome is a kind of falling stop
nothing in the room need foreshorten into perspective stop
not distractions with their complicated nests of stolen fabric stop
not the beating of wings but one wash of the wing my head wrenched back stop
nothing that simply appeases will ever mean vision again to me please advise
cool! we can follow eachother around on the interwebs!